Discover a suitable aerator for any fitting and demand. Schotenröhr™ produces solutions for modern sanitary areas, reduces operating costs and preserves resources making use of intelligent water guiding.
To ensure our well respected quality only legally approved raw materials are used in production, in addition to dent-protected and limescale proofed sieves. These being certified by the federal office for environment TZW. Our aerators also meet ACS international requirements. Furthermore design aerators undergo classified noise behavior testing. Not to mention our hygienic certificates for the medic product line. All these quality characteristics work towards a strong branding which is Turbulator®.
Schotenröhr™ defines comfortable products
for the modern bathroom,
the premium kitchen
or functionally stable special products.
Low noise
Quality aerators
Special threads
Save Water
Low pressure
Self cleaning
Vital + Anti-lime
To ensure our product philosophy of a „new dimension of water“, all of our materials ensure highest demands on quality, being tested, certified and functional. Guided by a unique colour design, each product is easily distinguishable.
Our prestige brand quality is displayed by original Turbulator® aerators. Those premium aerators possess extremely quiet and gentle flow qualities. Produced in LongLife quality our Turbulator® aerators last a fittings lifetime. This is our definition of “the new dimension of water”.
Observing the market and developing products regarding to customer needs is one of the most important achievements of Rüscho-Schotenröhr. Our array of products is constantly worked on to provide desired solutions, i.e. thief-protected aerators, our unique LongLife quality (with reduced likeliness of residue inside and outside of the aerator) or constant flow aerators. Even more potential lies in the use of our water and energy reducing shower heads. Innovations such as our patented Sterionuklide®-technology help revolutionizing the market in terms of health and sustainability, especially in medical and health-sensitive areas of application. Make use of our water saving calculator to explore the possibilities of water- and money-saving in your household.
Discover the possibilities and order our product catalogue for free.
Wer-liefert-Was: Rüscho-Schotenröhr GmbH; Erzeugnisse und Produkte.
Flow class detection by the colored dirt screen.